Thursday, December 17, 2009

Testing new feature

Okay, I am posting to test out the new integrated Amazon associates feature thing on Blogger. I don't know why, nobody has ever bought anything from my links. Let's try it with an image and text for MC Lars This Gigantic Robot Kills, because there's a poster of it hanging above my computer.

Okay, that worked. Now, Ill try it with just a link for Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges, because that's the book I'm reading now. That seems to have worked, though it linked to a Spanish edition, because that came up first in the search.

Now, I'll try image only...for umm...uh...Siberian Husky, because my dog is looking at me. Rules In A Siberian Husky's House Well that got me something, not a dog since Amazon thankfully doesn't sell dogs.

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